Did You know? You can save time & money with the most revolutionary flat roof mounting solution in the world!

Engineered for flat roof mounting applications, Salasar Engineering’s Flatflix Aluminium Solar Mounting Structure is a non-penetrating solution that can be installed at a rate of 2-3kW per man hour, making it one of the fastest, easiest & most cost-effective solutions on the market today for Solar Mounting Structures.
The configurable design accommodates about 0-29 degree module tilt & best of all, requires no ballast blocks or concrete in 90-120 mph basic wind zones.
These Solar Module Mounting Structures by Salasar Engineering (ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified) are designed to work with a variety of standoffs & flashings when attachments are necessary for seismic high wind zones requirements and their benefits are many:
- Maximum flexibility
- Flush, high-profile or low-profile configurations Roof or ground mount pitched or flat roof Ease of installation.
- Installer-friendly components Minimized penetration with longer attachment spans than competitive products designed with customer input.
- Impressively innovative – Value & Quality.
- Self ballasting system in 90-120 mph wind zones Freedom & flexibility accommodates majority of PV modules maintains roofing system warranty.
- Engineered Smart – Assemble,Don’t Build.
- No field fabrication required, Installs at 2-3kW per man hour.
- Strength – Bigger, Fewer, Better.
- Install with 1 socket wrench, economical aluminium components & stainless steel fasteners.
- Faster, flexible components. Configurable roof touch points, Compatible with off-the shelf wire management.
To know about these Flatfix Solar Module Mounting Structures, connect with us on info@salasarengineering.com or visit our website www.salasarengineering.com
Alternately, you may call us on (+91) 9830049998 and we’d be happy to assist you!
Let’s make a difference environmentally with the expertise of Salasar Engineering!